Earth Month 2021: A Fun Challenge to Restore Earth Now
Earth Month
April 22, 2021, is Earth Day this year, and I am celebrating the entire month of April as Earth Month. This year’s Earth Day theme, as set by EarthDay.Org, is “restore our earth.”
I believe that the most significant positive impacts we can have on the Earth come from stopping harmful practices–like eating meat and excessive use of fossil fuels–or partaking in beneficial practices–like regenerative, organic gardening.
We can also positively impact the Earth by mitigating the effects of our own or others’ past harmful practices. That is why this month’s Wild Sustainability challenge is to pick up litter.
I have heard people describe picking up litter as the equivalent of removing water from a bathtub with a spoon while the faucet is on in full strength.
That is true. To address the scale of the pollution problem, we must stop pollution at the source.
At the same time, you can make a tremendous local impact by cleaning up litter near you. In my opinion, if you prevent one bird from building a nest of plastic bags or a small animal from consuming microplastics, it is worth the effort.

April #WildSustainabilityChallenge
During April, I challenge you to go on daily walks to pick up litter. When you return home from your walk, separate the compostable and recyclable items from those you, unfortunately, must send to the landfill. Clean the recyclables before adding them to your recycling bin.
Within a matter of days, you will see the impact of your actions. If we all do this–in addition to cutting off pollution at the source–we will make great strides in “Restoring Our Earth.”
You can do it! Let us know how the challenge is going in the comments below, Facebook, or Instagram! Tag me @wildsustainability, and use the hashtag #WildSustainabilityChallenge.
If you missed last month’s challenge, it’s not too late. Check it out here!

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