Easy Zero-Waste Razor Swap

Jaceybonavia/ Lifestyle, Plastic, Pollution, Zero Waste

Many people regularly shave with a “disposable” plastic razor. If you practice a zero-waste lifestyle, you know that nothing (especially plastic) should be considered disposable. Waste from razors is a big deal. According to the U.S.A. Today, “a 1990 ‘Environmental Consumer’s Handbook’ on the EPA’s website says the U.S. produces ‘2

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Regeneration: A Powerful New Guiding Word for 2021

Jaceybonavia/ Climate, Conscious Consumerism, Conservation, Eco-minimalism, Fungi, Intentional Living, Lifestyle, Plants, Pollution, Slow Living, Wildlife, Zero Waste

In 2021, my guiding word is regenerate or regeneration. For many people, January means that it’s time to make resolutions for the new year. Typical New Year’s resolutions include In my recovery from overexercising and restrictive anorexia nervosa, I realized that I needed to abandon traditional new year resolutions. In 2019,

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